He is near.
He is near even when we hear that 27 have been killed in a Texas church massacre.
He is near even when it’s November and Mississippi weather is still 77°.
He is near even when our calendars are so full that it brings us to tears.
He is near when a family member gets diagnosed with a terminal illness.
He is near even when the hot chocolate goes straight to your thighs.
He is near even when you watch too many episodes of Scandal and think that B613 has you on their list.
Yes, He is even more near than Celine Dion’s vocal chords in this Titanic scene.
He is near to the heavy hearted, and He is near to those with full hearts. He is near to those whose cups run empty, and He is near to those whose fountains overflow. He is near to those behind bars, and He is near to those who don’t even go to bars. He is near.
This week, may we remember that circumstances do not make God any less good. May we remember the thrill of Hope. And may we be a light to those around us, proclaiming just how near He is, regardless of what our news updates may say.
He is near.