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Olivia Dear Thames
Dec 16, 20244 min read
Advent: December 17
When you ask people what they do for a living today, you often get answers like: "I'm an accountant." "I work in marketing." "I'm in...

Olivia Dear Thames
Dec 15, 20242 min read
Advent: December 16
I have a vivid memory of a conversation with my mom when I was four years old. I asked, "Can you really not take anything to heaven?" Mom...
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Olivia Dear Thames
Dec 14, 20242 min read
Advent: December 15
Of all places, a stable housed our Savior's birth. And in all your broken places this Christmas, you can receive this gift, too.

Olivia Dear Thames
Dec 13, 20243 min read
Advent: December 14
Making room does not mean making time for all that our culture pressures you to do. It just means receiving the gift: the greatest gift.
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